Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Green-Eyed Monster

Our little Annie has a very vivid imagination.  For the most part this leads to lots of giggles and good play times.  However, when her imagination heads towards unhappy subjects, things get a little crazy.

Take last night for example.  Holly had already struggled to fall asleep before her first day at her new job.  Alex had pushed his luck by coming out of his room over and over and over again (that's a whole other blog post).  I've been struggling to sleep while I (im)patiently wait a call back from my new VA clinic so I can get my meds. 

But sometime after 2 am, everyone was sleeping peacefully in their beds.  Then Ashley had an accident.  Then, then all hell really broke loose.  I hear Annie and Ashley standing on Holly's side of the bed bawling about the green-eyed monster in their room.

Note, that due a particular episode of Arthur, Annie is convinced the green-eyed monster used to describe jealousy is a real thing.

This green-eyed monster, however, is apparently much scarier.  It's glowing.  It's glowing in their hamper.  It's somehow going to eat us all!  It's, IT'S, IT'S . . .

. . . just the smoke detector.

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I always like to know what people think. Even the bad stuff. Okay, maybe just the good stuff ;)