Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We're in Onion Country

We have now been residents of Walla Walla for a whole month!  So far we love our new town.  It's very Goldilocks - not too big, not too small, but juuuussst right!

Alex is convinced we've moved him to Mars.  Our neighbor in our duplex has a three year-old boy who in no way satisfies Alex's need for peer interaction.  We keep having him look for the positives and promise he'll make friends when school starts in 6 days.  But, he's 10, so none of this is good enough!

If Alex is the extreme on the "I don't like it" end of the spectrum, the girls are firmly planted on the other end of the spectrum.  Perhaps it's because they have one another to play with or because they aren't 10.  Whatever the reason, they seem perfectly pleased with our new home.

The grown-ups have the following things to say about Walla Walla:
  • We live one mile from the state pen, but you'd never know it.
  • We live in one of the worst neighborhoods in town, but besides the kind of run-down yards and roads, you'd never know it.
  • The people here are so dang friendly!  We don't miss catty sorority girls and obnoxious frat boys at all.
  • We haven't heard bad things from anyone who's lived here for awhile.  Even folks who want to leave say it's a good place to raise a family.
So, that's the update for now.  I promise to have some cleaning tips, recipes, photos, local "to-do"s, and other Aiden-like snarkiness. 

1 comment:

I always like to know what people think. Even the bad stuff. Okay, maybe just the good stuff ;)